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6 New Year's Resolutions That Anyone Can Complete

Writing in a notebook

New Year’s resolutions – are they for you? There are two kinds of people, those that make a New Year’s resolution each year with no follow-through and those that make one, and it completely and totally changes their life. Which do you want to be for 2023? Even if you haven’t had follow-through in the past, this list of resolutions is for you! We’ve compiled a list of changes that are small and easy to make, but pack a big punch when it comes to the impact you’ll see and feel on your life. After all, simple changes are the easiest to make and offer a stepping-stone to more challenging ones in the future.

1. Get Moving

Two people playing basketball outside

Adding exercise to your life doesn’t have to be a chore. Start small and add activities that trick you into exercising. Go for a bicycle ride and enjoy nature along the way. Try getting a group of friends together to shoot some hoops. It’s quality friend time, and you’re being active and getting your heart rate up at the same time. Simple activities that get you away from your work desk or off the couch for even 20 minutes a day have been shown to offer many benefits. In fact, any aerobic activity that gets your heart rate up is beneficial for the prevention of heart attack, stroke, and developing diabetes. Exercise can even improve your posture, mood, and your physical appearance. Go ahead, get moving toward a healthier you for 2023!

2. Organize Your Life

Stack of folded towels

Organization can be accomplished with just a few simple changes. First, downsize and donate some of your items. You just got new things for Christmas, so get rid of some old things that could still be enjoyed by others. Add labels to Christmas decorations as you put them away, so they’re easier to find next year. Go room by room and de-clutter. Picking one room to tackle each day makes your task seem much smaller and more manageable.

By de-cluttering your life and getting your items organized, you’re making it easier to find things. You’ll even feel better because you don’t have that overwhelming feeling of misplaced items.

3. Healthy Eating

Bowl of salad

Healthy eating is by far the most popular resolution to choose, but it’s also one that doesn’t necessarily make it to the month of February. Again, start small. Don’t try the newest fad diet and expect immediate results. Small changes can really help improve your health over time.

Try starting with clear containers in your refrigerator for fruits and veggies. Put them at eye level, so you see them first and are more likely to choose a healthy snack over that cookie. Prepare meals ahead, so you aren’t forced to choose quick, but unhealthy foods. Try using containers that keep your fresh food longer, so you aren’t throwing out your veggies because they go bad too fast. All of these changes are done in the kitchen and require very little effort, but they could be just the jumpstart you’re needing.

4. Get More Rest

Woman and dog sleeping in bed

More rest means you’re prepared for your day, functioning at full power, and you’re overall healthier. How can you make it happen, even with a busy schedule and so many things on your mind? Schedule, schedule, schedule – remember when you were little, and you were on a schedule for eating and napping? It’s the same as an adult. By keeping the same routine on the weekends that you keep during the week, you’ll help your body stick to a regular sleeping schedule. It’s the number one thing to help your body get more rest and function better.

Another way to help you sleep easier is a bedtime ritual. Keep it light and relaxing, but try to do the same thing before bed to prepare your body for rest. Daily exercise and a comfortable bed round out the expert advice for a better night’s sleep. Mattresses are good for 9 to 10 years, so think about updating if you’re having trouble getting those Zzzs. Comfortable pillows are a must for better sleep and fewer aches when you wake. Look for ones that are free of allergens, too.

5. Be Adventurous

Travel sign, Red Rocks mug, polaroid camera, sunglesses, and passport

Travel the world more. Whether you choose an hour road trip or you fly across the country, find a place that you’ve always wanted to see and make it happen.

What effect does travel have on your overall well-being? First, it’s a great way to reduce stress, even if it’s just for a couple of days. Vacation is a great way to disconnect from your normal life, and it even promotes happiness because you feel more relaxed. The less stress you feel, the lower your cortisol levels resulting in a healthier you. Just like all the digital items in your life require time to recharge, so does your body. Go ahead, pack those bags and start exploring!

6. Give Your Home a Deep Clean

Mopping the kitchen floor

Deep cleaning your home may seem like a boring resolution, but once you get everything sparkling, you’ll just feel better! On top of feeling like your home looks like a million bucks, you’ll also help rid your home of winter germs. After all, winter is when that nasty flu bug always seems to pop up. Areas to pay close attention to are your bathrooms, kitchen, and family rooms, where you have the most traffic.

For more cleaning tips, visit our Pinterest Cleaning Hacks board for tips and tricks to get the task done easier and faster!

New Year’s Resolutions don’t have to be intimidating. Starting small and building on life changes makes the task at hand so much easier. Any change, no matter how small, could make a big impact on your life and help point you in the right direction. That’s really what resolutions are about – making smart, healthy changes that will positively impact your life today, tomorrow, and in the future.

While do-it-yourself projects can be fun and fulfilling, there is always a potential for personal injury or property damage. We strongly suggest that any project beyond your abilities be left to licensed professionals such as electricians, plumbers, and carpenters. Any action you take upon the information on this website is strictly at your own risk, and we assume no responsibility or liability for the contents of this article.